DALGOOD Longhorns

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Our History

We, Malcolm and Connie Goodman, started raising longhorns in September 1997 with 5 cows on 65 acres.  Always called "the property", the 65 acres previously served as our weekend place for family recreation.  We quickly became addicted to our longhorns, purchased more animals than the 65 acres could handle, and needed more pasture - hence, the current 205 acres with the original 65 acres serving as the heifer pasture around the house.  This allows Connie to hand-feed cubes to the "girls".

More: For a quick overview of Dalgood, click on these other topics: Mission    Herd    Embryo Program    Ranch Name    Brand    Location    Thanks

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Send email with questions or comments to RANCH at DALGOODLONGHORNS dot com (Email link has been eliminated to reduce spam, so please use a separate email -- replace "at" with @ and "dot" with . and remove all spaces).
Last modified: 05/30/06