WE ARE PLANNING TO UPDATE THIS PAGE. 2002 EMBRYO RESULTS: We completed flushes on Delta Rockette and Droopy's Big Base using our embryologist Mike Myers near Weatherford, Texas. The Rockette embryo work produced no pregnancies. The Big Base flush with Primero Class resulted in 11 embryo transfers and 9 pregnancies after 30 days, but 2 of these aborted. The Big Base flush with Mojo produced 5 embryo transfers with 3 pregnancies. 2001 EMBRYO RESULTS: We flushed 5 cows: Delta Rockette, Droopy's Big Base, Blue Bevo Dot, Queenie, and Denise. For results, please click on Flush 1 for Rockette and Big Base and Flush 2 for the other three cows. |
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